The world of technology – and data in particular – is ever-changing. What’s true one day may not be the next. Your time and energy is focused on the day-to-day projects at hand, and even if many of those rely on data, it can be challenging to stay informed among your other tasks. Let us make it easier for you.
Zirous is pleased to present z|Discover, our breakfast series aimed 100% at educating you on the matters most important to the data operations of your business. This deal really couldn’t get any sweeter: free education and discussion tailored to your interests and free breakfast – right in the comfort of your own office. Just reach out to us with the topic you need to learn about most.
Currently on the menu:

Donuts, Data Lakes & Data Warehouses
Learn to leverage the strengths of data lakes and data warehouses.
We know making any changes to your data environments is not an easy decision. That’s why Donuts, Data Lakes and Data Warehouses focuses on equipping you with knowledge to navigate the decisions you’ll be faced with. You’ll learn how to make a cohesive data environment, how to effectively organize a data lake, data orchestration best practices with modern ELT/ETL technologies and the benefits for reporting and support of advanced analytics. You pick a day and data experts from our team will come to you with donuts to educate your team on all things data lakes and data warehouses.

Machine Learning & Muffins
Cut through the fluff to find true AI value
It can be difficult to determine how to best take advantage of the complex capabilities of AI, but according to Gartner, early adoption will enable “forward-looking organizations to create very high business value.” Let us share our expertise around what machine learning is, how it works, and what it can — and can’t — do today to transform your organization. We’ll introduce technologies and algorithms that can be applied to various business use cases, and we’ll discuss what is needed to start experimenting with AI initiatives — and how you can expect them to translate into value.

Pipelines & Pancakes
Eliminate silos to let the data (and the syrup) flow
Data silos are plaguing the accessibility of modern organizations’ most crucial asset: their data. How do your ETL processes, storage solutions, and analytics platforms need to advance to provide the right users with the data they need? Pipelines & Pancakes will introduce you to the world of streaming to enable decoupled and real-time integrations, hybrid architectures to cost-effectively store and analyze lots of data while still purposing it for meaningful reporting, and operationalizing the insights gained through advanced techniques like machine learning. Turn your data waffle into a data pancake and let the syrup flow!

Platforms & Pastries
How to choose the best from the assortment
We’ve taste-tested a wide array of tools, technologies, and platforms. Stop the paralysis of analysis by strategically weighing their strengths and weaknesses, costs, and capabilities with experienced professionals to find which fits your organization and your initiatives best. Learn what questions you should be asking and how quickly these technologies can start having tangible impact on your business.

Culture & Coffee
How to send an analytics jolt through your organization
Culture is the #1 barrier to effectively scaling digital initiatives, according to a recent Gartner survey. And according to Progress research, 62% of business leaders say their organization is in denial about the need to transform digitally. Without creating momentum throughout your enterprise, you’ll be spinning your wheels. Without considering how business processes need to adapt, your technical initiatives will crash. Having a plan to show value and gain business buy-in is fundamental to success — let us provide some insight.