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Mitigate the Risk of Ransomware Attacks with Netwrix SbPAM

Stop adversaries from moving around your environment by keeping admin accounts under control and enforcing the least-privilege principle.


How big is the ransomware threat?

Ransomware attacks are growing in number and sophistication and causing staggering damage. In 2021, the average cost to rectify the impacts of ransomware reached $1.85 million, a 143% increase from 2020.

The damage will be especially dreadful should a hacker obtain access to your privileged accounts. Compromise of administrative credentials can empower ransomware to blaze through your critical systems, resulting in data loss and business disruptions.

How can Netwrix SbPAM help you limit the reach of ransomware?

Enforce zero standing privilege

Remove the attack surface from your environment through on-demand privilege. Transparently orchestrate access without leaving anything behind for attackers to compromise.

Disable RDP when it is not needed

Prevent unauthorized remote access, and at the same time remove a common ransomware attack vector by automatically disabling RDP on servers when not in use.

Gain control over privileged accounts

Know exactly who has access, remove unsanctioned privileged accounts, manage service accounts and more. Keep privilege misuse risks low and prevent ransomware spreading across your organization.

Keep IT admins accountable

Use video recording and playback capability to analyze privileged activity across your systems and block attacks in progress using live session monitoring controls.

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