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Why All The Hype Around Cloud?

When you start down your cloud journey, all of the unanswered questions can be overwhelming.  “How do I choose the right vendor? Do I just do a “lift and shift” on IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), or is it better to implement a PaaS (Platform as a Service) option?

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z|customer Award Honoree

Zirous recognizes its customers who allow for further growth for both parties by realizing the potential of Oracle technology to solve their business challenges. We call it the z|customer award and last week, we were proud to present it to the Office of Professional Regulation.

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Technology of the Future: The Internet of Things

The technology field is home to an unpredictable and ever changing landscape. Something heralded as an “industry game changer” today can be reduced to little more than an afterthought in just a few years’ time. Alternatively, other tech that is brushed aside as nothing more than a novelty item can quickly bloom into a massive business. Since no one can accurately predict what will succeed, and what will fail, it’s important to keep up to date on the new technology.

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